![BCCCE 2020](/bundles/acmeconf/images/extra/all_confs_mix/9_july_2014/2s_bccce2020.jpg)
4-th International Balkans Conference on Challanges of Civil Engineering - BCCCE 2020
7-th International Conference on European Studies - ICES 2020
EPOKA University of Albania is proud to announce that it will partner in hosting an innovative international conference in May 2025 here in the Western Balkans! The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at EPOKA University,...
read moreEpoka University, in Tirana, Albania, organizes the 9th International Conference on European Studies (ICES'24). The conference titled ‘The Power and Politics of Transitional Justice’ will be held on 2024 in Tirana, Albania.
read moreThe 2023 Epoka University-GEDC-IFEES conference, to be held in Tirana, Albania invites academics, industry leaders, researchers, students, governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations to participate in this visionary conference...
read moreWelcome to 4-ICAUD! The Department of Architecture at Epoka University, welcomes participants to the Fourth International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design (ICAUD), to be held on 24 – 26 November, 2021 in Tirana, Al...
read moreEpoka University, in Tirana, Albania, organizes the 7th International Conference on European Studies (ICES'20). The conference titled ‘The Power and Politics of Transitional Justice’ will be held on 27-28 April 2020 in Tirana, Alb...
read moreEPOKA University, University of Perugia, Polytechnic University of Bari, University of Novi Sad, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi and University of Prishtina, Civil Engineering Departments,...
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